About Us

iRCPal stands for freedom of speech and the founders are rebels. They rebelled against the despotic rules and archaic regulations of BDChat and Bangacafe, the two most popular Bangla chat sites for people of Bangladeshi origin and ended up creating a cool new chat room, iRCPal. iRCPal is without silly restrictions on chatters, free from the tyranny of whimsical Channel Operators, there are no unnecessary bans and abuse by Channel Operators who go power tripping in places like BDChat. iRCPal allows you to speak your mind, within bounds of decency; allows witty good-natured banter and most importantly, iRCPal is managed by a bunch of iRC veterans who want it to become a community, a place people can call their ‘Home’ in iRC and a place where you would want to belong.

iRCPal was created as safe space to relax and chat with friends without having to look over your shoulders and cater to the needs of those in ‘administration’. It’s a place where everyone can come together and create something beautiful.

You can’t do epic stuff in a boring chat room. iRCPal is epic. Come on in and see for yourself.